Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our learnings so far_Ursel: How money comes into play

The lady from Democaris in Berlin is financing her project mainly through fundraising and via Ashoka. Of course she asks as well money from the schools, her clients. But they often don´t want to pay, because how do you price things like: "get more connected to each other", "create a safe learning environment", "find inspiration" and other non-material values? They are definitely valuable and our society is build in a way that all things that are deemed to have value cost money. Or not? Family and friends have a big value to people, but they are fro free. Should non-material things that people create themselves through good interaction have a price in money? No, I don´t belive so. But the process that is necessary to guide them there is a service that deserves a payment, since the value that is created, is of value. Not necessarily a financial one, but a human one.

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