Monday, March 10, 2008

Our learnings so far_Ursel: What is social innovation?

Social innovation - big word. I never knew what to associate with it. What does it mean? Now I know more. It is actually a concept about which I had already thought, but never under this label. It is about "how do you bring social change about?" How to make small things big. How do you, as an individual, have to act, or to be, if you want to trigger social change? Of course no individual can change the world alone. The people around him/her have to pick it up and help it grow. So it is also a lot about leadership. And the time has to be right. Anyways: social innovation for me would be, to notice what the time is right for and then be able to live it in a way that makes others follow. Otherwise it does not grow big. Followers of course don´t have to copy the idea, whatever it is, but they have to cooperate and further build on it.
Don´t dream it!

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